Ultimate Motorbikes Springwood Authorised Servicing STIHL Dealer

At Ultimate Yamaha Springwood we are dedicated to sharing knowledge, passion and fun experiences with our customers. We don’t just want to sell Motorbikes and the full range of STIHL equipment, we want to support our customers with special events, social shop rides and good old fashioned advice and we believe it is our duty to keep you informed on the latest news and events that happen in the Motorcycle and STIHL world.

Our goal is to provide the Ultimate experience for the customer at the Ultimate price. We view ourselves as partners with our customers, our employees, our community and our environment. We aim to become a household name with great service, welcoming staff and quality products…and maintaining our sense of fun and humor.

We know how special it is when you are looking for your first Motorcycle, your first STIHL garden tool, your next upgrade or simply adding new equipment to the family. If you haven’t already experienced Ultimate Motorbikes, our focus is customer service. It is our outstanding commitment and dedication to you, our fellow riders and garden warriors who share the same passion. Our dedication to putting you on the right bike, and finding the right STIHL tool for the job, will set us apart from the rest. All our Ultimate Motorbikes’ staff are consistently trained in customer service and customer satisfaction.

Our service technicians are factory trained and we strive to develop them constantly with the latest Motorcycle advancements, and the ever-growing STIHL battery range. We pride ourselves on providing the best range of STIHL equipment, the right advice and support your after your purchase with a large range of accessories, spare parts and in-house servicing and repairs.


  • Ultimate Motorbikes Springwood
    69 Moss St
    Slacks Creek QLD 4127
    Tel: 07 3050 5188
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